Take your marketing outcomes to new levels by doing away with the high-effort-low-outcome model of traditional marketing. Lead generation has been traditionally believed it be a game of ratios. More the contacts, more the leads. More the leads however did not lead to more conversions. Unfortunately, the quality aspect comes clear only at the end. What if you invested your resources in lead generation right from the start? Using a content syndication model? would mean that your leads are marketing-qualified through a robust b2b content marketing program and generated from a targeted B2B contact or email list.
MQL Solutions’s content syndication and lead generation solution will help your team to work on verified leads that haven proven to show interest in your offering – either through a whitepaper or webinar. Having such a list of verified leads generated through a robust demand generation model would give your marketing efforts the perfect take-off. We can help build a effective B2B content marketing program. Call MQL Solutions to lend wings to your marketing team.
Any kind of digital content can be syndicated, including blog posts, articles, infographics, videos and more. Think of it as a kind of barter arrangement. The third-party website gets free, relevant content.